Education Law

At Weber Law, we advocate for equitable access to education. We represent students in all stages of their educational journey, from the preschool years through college, in a wide variety of education-related matters. Our team’s expertise includes special education, disability accommodation, Title IX, inclusive classrooms, and students’ rights. Given our breadth of experience as educators, parents, and students, we recognize that true equitable access to education is based on a positive ongoing relationship between students and schools, and we prioritize collaborative solutions whenever possible.

Areas of Practice
Higher Education
Transition from secondary school to college
Requests for disability accommodations
Diversity, equity & inclusion matters
Title IX proceedings
Discrimination and retaliation claims
K-12 Special Education &
Disability Accommodation
Evaluation and identification of disability
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
Section 504 Service Plans (504 plans)
Compensatory education claims
Independent educational evaluations (IEEs)
Due process proceedings
Manifestation hearings
Transition services
Other Educational Matters
Preschool eligibility and services
Gifted education and differentiated instruction
Implementation of Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Gender and gender identity discrimination